Kapple Juice

Kapple Juice

For this juice recipe I used 4 ingredients that I pretty much always have on hand. Before I started juicing I never bought kale, but now I’m proud to say that it’s a staple in my house. This juice is definitely on the sour side so if you prefer sweeter drinks I would add some oranges to the mix or even cut the lemon in half. I like to juice my fruits and veggies with the peel intact so I almost always buy organic, unless they don’t have any in stock.

I was very close to making this into a cocktail this evening, hence the moody photography. Maybe next time…


  1. 1 bunch kale leaves
  2. 1 green apple
  3. 1 celery stick
  4. 1 lemon

Beet Juice

Beet Juice

Everyone knows beets are good for you and my mom always said they help with blood flow. Well, she was right! They do just that and so much more. Anything that naturally rich in taste and color has me sold. I use my fabulous Breville juicer for all my juices, I highly recommend one.


  • 1 large beet
  • 1 orange
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 purple carrots

Green Goose Juice

Green Goose Juice

It’s been about two months that I’ve been juicing everyday and I absolutely love it. Back in August, my coworker told me to watch a documentary on Netflix called Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead (which I highly recommend) and after that I was sold on juicing as part of my everyday routine. I did some research on juicers and found that Breville was the top pick, not even realizing that it was the brand used in the documentary. The model I purchased is the Breville Juice Fountain Elite and I am beyond impressed with this machine. It produces so much juice, it’s incredible. As for clean up, totally easy and fast! I was so afraid it would take me a long time in the morning before work, but nope nope nope, easy peasy! So anyways, here’s my go to drink in the morning. It’s my Green Goose Juice! I’ve always considered myself healthy, but I know I don’t eat enough greens, so this does the trick for me and it’s absolutely delicious and refreshing. I have a sweet tooth and I don’t deny it, so I have to balance my body and life somehow…juicing makes me a happy girl!


  • 8 large kale leaves (I mix regular, red, and lacinato kale)
  • Large handful spinach
  • 1 large rainbow chard leaf
  • 1 white carrot
  • 1 large cucumber
  • 1 celery stick
  • 1 apple
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 1 inch ginger root